Monday, June 15, 2009

One night stay in labour room

I'm only 32 weeks pregnant now but I found some bleeding yesterday afternoon at about 3pm. The bleeding was not continuous, just blood spots and I didn't experience any pain nor contraction. I thought it is quite normal as my mum also experienced that when she was having me. Just to be safe, Jo and I decided to have a 'simple' check.

Around 7pm, we arrived at the hospital. I expected a simple one hour quick check on baby and myself. And I could go home at around 8pm, just in time for my dinner. But, it wasn't! While Jo and I were still unsure about the situation, we were already in the labour room. I was asked to change my clothes and lie on the bed. Nurse checked Jo Junior's heart beats and my condition. Later, my doctor came in with a machine and a lot of other check-ups followed.

The last piece of information I got was: my placenta is against the cervix but does not cover the opening, which causes the bleeding. I have to admit into hospital and will be observed to make sure the bleeding stops. To be sure that Jo Junior is strong enough in case of any early delivery, doctor will do steroid injection for me. To avoid any contraction that may cause non-stop bleeding, I was given a medicine but I may experience faster heart beats and shaking hands. I have to be observed in the labour room for one night and I couldn't take any food until further notice......

After all these, Jo and I were left in the labour room. I was unprepared for all these. I couldn't control anymore and so I cried. This one night stay in labour room was definitely not a good one! I was asked to rest on bed even for passing urine. The bed was cold and hard and my back was aching. The only thing that comforted me and accompanied me into sleep was my Jo Junior's heart beats that came out from one of the machines.

I'm now in a normal ward, writing this post... My condition is getting better and I hope I can be home soon.

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