Wednesday, November 26, 2008






Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Carol for 2008

Thanks to Mag for sharing this song with me!
I think all of us should memorize this song and sing out loud...

You'd better watch out,
You'd better not cry;
You'd better keep cash,
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Liverpool player from Malaysia

I wore my Liverpool jersey yesterday, with my name Fion C and #10 printed. It was given to me by Jo. Maybe it is still uncommon for a lady wearing jersey in Malaysia, i found a lot of people looking at me in a very strange way. I don't have such experience when i wear 'normal' shirt. And one of it was quite funny...

Jo and I went back home and entered into lift. Two young malay guys standing behind us. They noticed my striking red Liverpool jersey and started their discussion (softly)...

Guy A: Fion.C? Saper tu?
Guy B: Er... tak tau...
Guy A: Nombor 10?

Well, looks like they are not into football. How can Fion C holding a #10 jersey for Liverpool? S-He can't be a real Liverpool player, s-he doesn't even know how to play football! Hahaha...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh Am Hin

我们家Jo爷又发功了!那一天他向我谈起了他和Ah B的谈话,我笑得不能停下来!

Ah B:什么歌?阿杜的《天黑》?
Ah B:?
Jo爷:这样唱的 ♫♪♫♪因为我会怕黑♫♪♫♪
Ah B:哦。。。阿杜那首是 ♫♪♫♪我闭上眼睛就是天黑♫♪♫♪
Jo爷:那不是天黑,是“Oh Am Hin”(福建话头晕的意思)。
Ah B:哈哈哈。。。




还记得那一天,我和姐妹们去马六甲参加另一位姐妹的婚礼。Jo爷就和这位男性朋友相约上云顶。下山后,两个大男生还一起逛IKEA和用餐。直落晚上,两个大男生就到The Curve的Laundry Bar看足球,过通宵才回家。除了看足球的活动以外,其他活动好像都比较适合和女朋友一同进行。仔细回想起来,在这一个暧昧的约会之前,我也常看到Jo爷和这位男性朋友玩SMS。我真是太大意了,怎么之前都没有留意呢?!?

说到这里,大家心里应该都起了鸡皮疙瘩吧?哈哈,不要误会!这一位男性朋友是Jo爷的朋友当中我蛮喜欢的一个,他是一位很不错的朋友!我们都叫他Ah B。那一天的约会我事先就知道的,并不是什么暧昧之约。去云顶是因为Ah B要送表哥夫妇上云顶玩,找Jo爷是因为下山时有个伴。去IKEA是因为无所事事,晚上就在附近看球。看足球也是他们一班朋友的志同道合的嗜好。


Friday, November 14, 2008

A magic cup for Jo

I bought a nice cup for Jo when I was in Hokkaido, his first birthday present after we got married. Japanese call it ‘Magic Cup’, but I call it ‘Hamsup Cup’. Let's look at the experiment...

This looks like a normal black japanese tea cup.

It will turn into something very different when hot water poured in...

See... black was gone and something nice came out!

All naked women in different poses... interesting! Thanks to creative Japanese!

It turned into black again after the heat is gone...

I'm not a pervert nor Jo. I bought it just because it is very cute! Ha...