Monday, August 03, 2009

Arrival of Jayden on 26 July 2009

It was about 4am+ on Sunday morning, 3 days before Jayden's pre-determined delivery date. Jo was still sleeping. I was awake by a serious contraction and I felt something 'flew out' from vaginal. I quickly rushed to washroom, and found myself bleeding. It was quite similar to my previous experience, but my six sense told me that I may deliver soon.

I was sitting on the WC and called for Jo. He was quite worried when he saw the amount of bleeding I had. I waited for a while, until the bleeding 'stopped', then I went lying on the bed. Until 6am+, another round of bleeding. I was very convinced that I have to deliver earlier. Again, I was sitting on the WC and asked Jo to get ready to hospital.

It was a rainy morning. We reached the hospital around 7am+. My doctor was on leave and my case was passed to another female doctor who was on call. Similar to last time, I was sent to labour room and asked to change. This time, I was asked to wear the operation theatre's dress. Doctor came in half an hour later and told me I have to go for C-section in a short while. I was rolled into the operation theatre at about 8am+ and anaesthetist arrived 15 minutes later. He decided to put me in total unconsciousness (general anaesthesia).

I didn't know what happened after that. The first thing came into my mind when I was back to conscious was: is Jayden fine? I cried when the assistant told me he is very fine and healthy. I was sent to normal ward and was so happy when I saw Jo was waiting for me. Jo showed me Jayden's photo and I was so touched when I saw this little prince I gave birth to.

Jo gave me a good hug and I cried again. The feeling was unexplainable and kind of complex. My husband was just sitting besides me, the man who supported me and helped me went through the entire pregnancy experience. My baby was in the nursery, very healthy and cute. For a simple woman like me, what else shall I demand?

Jo quickly took a photo of his little hero when doctor brought him out.

Jayden, after his first bath.

Jo's little hero, my little prince~


Eric Tan said...


lowkei said...

Wow!! He's so handsome! Congratulations!