Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jayden refused to breastfeed

Jayden and I have been enjoying nursing very well and everything goes smoothly since he was borned. I have no issues in nursing, except that I experienced sore nipples and engorgement at the beginning stage.

But Jayden refused to breastfeed last Saturday. I felt so rejected, worried and upset. I was wondering why this came out of sudden and for no reasons! I started blaming myself. I blamed myself for changing to a showel gel that may changed my body smell to something that Jayden doesn't like, I blamed myself for taking sour soup the night before that may caused my breastmilk tastes differently, I blamed almost everything that I can think of... I broke down and cried!

I have given myself a target to continue nursing, at least until Jayden turns to one. Only three and a half months more... I was so close to it yet so far! I couldn't wait until the next time I needed to nurse him, but he refused to it again! I had no choice but to express my milk and feed him using bottle.

Later only I found out that Jayden maybe on a nursing strike now. I feel better because Jayden doesn't reject my breastmilk from bottle. He may be just too lazy to suck from breast. Jo comforts and supports me by checking out articles regarding nursing strike. I will try out those ways in getting Jayden back to nursing. I'm not sure whether it works, but I will try. And I will start doing power pumping to maintain my milk production.

I hope everything back to normal soon......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ask him to suck together with Jo. One on the left one on the right.