Friday, July 11, 2008

Today is our last day with Gtalk

Today is our last day with gtalk! So sad!!!

Look at the custom messages shown in my gtalk contact list, everybody is talking about it:
"Gtalk for the last day today, I will pretend I have not found out how to block"
"Gtalk will be blocked from today onwards. Be prepared."
"Why not block the phone? We can chat with outsider using phone as well..."
"last day....................."
And my custom message is "Today is the last day for GTALK! Let's say bye bye to GTALK!!"

Since we have gtalk commonly used in our company, I found the communication channel between departments and colleagues better. Our legal council uses gtalk to request for documents while she is having meeting, instead of interrupting the meeting to make phone calls. Working groups use gtalk to discuss work progress, instead of putting aside all work to meet up for discussion. We use gtalk to clarify doubts with colleagues, instead of making phone calls or writing emails. And, we use gtalk to get closer with colleagues who are not stationed in a same building. Gtalk eliminates communication gaps, creates us a better communication channel and harmonious working environment, improves our multi-tasking ability, promotes cost cutting and better time management! All these make us more efficient and effective in work! Oh... Gtalk, the wonder!

Nevertheless, Mr V (IT Head) said "IM will bring virus to the server. It is not good for the company. So, we have no choice but to block it."

I'm not into IT and I have little knowledge about how anti-virus system works. Please forgive me if my following thinking looks stupid: I thought it is Mr V's responsibility to improve our anti-virus system? Or, anti-virus system has already been improved but not good enough? It seems to me that anti-virus system is not improved, but IM that causes it looks bad is blocked. Emails bring virus to server, should we block? Internet brings virus to server, should we block?

It is a fact that Gtalk will not be available from tomorrow onwards. But, don't worry! We will find some other stuffs to replace it. We will find our next wonder......

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