Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Missing Jo

Jo has moved to a new company. His new job requires him to be away from home frequently and his first project is to be away 5 days a week, i.e. Sunday to Thursday. I wasn't paying too much attention about it until he started travelling.

I am doing the same routine every weekday... Wake up in the morning and get myself ready to work, then wake up Jayden and bring him to my mother's house. Bring him back after work, shower him, play with him and read him books before bed, feed him and make him sleep, then go to bed. These are the same routine but... Jo is not watching TV or helping house chores downstairs when I am busy with Jayden, Jo is not sitting besides us when I am playing with Jayden or reading him books, Jo is not around to turn on the alarm and put on blanket on us when we fall asleep...

I am also doing the same routine every Sunday... Wake up early morning to prepare Jayden's meals, do some house chores before the rest wakes up, taking breakfast with Jayden, bath Jayden and play with him, feed him lunch then make him sleep, having some private time during Jayden afternoon nap, feed him dinner when he is awake, shower him, play with him and read him books before bed, feed him and make him sleep, then go to bed. Again the same routine but... Jo is not in the football field with his friends when Jayden is taking nap or when I'm enjoying my private time, Jo won't be back home for dinner with us on Sunday night, no more family day on Sunday...

I never expect myself to feel so lonely and sad when Jo needs to work away from home. In fact, I was the one kept pushing him out for oversea work. I think I must be too crazy or over estimated myself... I cried the moment he left home, that really surprised me! I realised I'm so Jo's wife now and I miss him very much! I know I will soon get use to it, but I'm not yet now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He should be grateful to have you as his wife.