Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thanks Yaya!

I am finally convinced to get weekly cleaning service for our house. Jo prefers to spend more money in exchange of having more time for both of us. He made a right decision to convince me, and I made a right decision to be convinced!

My maid, Yaya will come every Sunday morning at around 6:30am. Jayden will normally wake up at around 10am. This means I have three and a half hours 'personal time'. For someone who has small kids will know what that means and how precious it is. Without the maid, I don't have the excuse and won't bother to wake up so early. Despite of waking up earlier than working days, I am still very happy and looking for it every week.

I will normally do laundry and prepare porridge for Jayden before the maid arrives. Then slowly enjoy my breakfast and get on to the net. If not, I can do some reading which I can never be able to do so if Jayden is around. By the time the little fellow wakes up, I have completed all I have to do and fully recharged. And that will last me for the following one week.

I insist of not having a maid that stays in the same house. But I don't mind to have a maid who comes weekly and go. Life is so much easier now and I have more time for myself!! Of course, the best part is day is still long after the maid goes. Everything is done and I have all day with my boys!!

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