Monday, November 17, 2008

New Liverpool player from Malaysia

I wore my Liverpool jersey yesterday, with my name Fion C and #10 printed. It was given to me by Jo. Maybe it is still uncommon for a lady wearing jersey in Malaysia, i found a lot of people looking at me in a very strange way. I don't have such experience when i wear 'normal' shirt. And one of it was quite funny...

Jo and I went back home and entered into lift. Two young malay guys standing behind us. They noticed my striking red Liverpool jersey and started their discussion (softly)...

Guy A: Fion.C? Saper tu?
Guy B: Er... tak tau...
Guy A: Nombor 10?

Well, looks like they are not into football. How can Fion C holding a #10 jersey for Liverpool? S-He can't be a real Liverpool player, s-he doesn't even know how to play football! Hahaha...

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