Monday, December 08, 2008

I'm pregnant!

This tester shows that I'm pregnant... and I can't believe it!

It was quite funny! I was in the toilet, opening the tester. First thing came into my mind was: Can this little paper thing-ee work? It's just a little paper strip. Kena cheat! Next, result came out: two red strips = I'm pregnant.

I couldn't react to what I saw. I quickly read through the instruction manual again and again to make sure what I saw was truely enough to be believeable. My next reaction: crying + happying + confusing + exciting + worrying. After I calmed myself down, I ran downstair and showed it to my mum. Surprisingly, she didn't know what the two red strips meant. I had to explain to her. Guess what? She had the same reaction I had in the toilet.

Lastly, I showed it to Jo. He was so calm. I think he must have known what he did to cause all this, hahaha! Next thing he did was hug me, and that comfort me a lot!

Yeah~~~ we have our first baby...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008






Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Carol for 2008

Thanks to Mag for sharing this song with me!
I think all of us should memorize this song and sing out loud...

You'd better watch out,
You'd better not cry;
You'd better keep cash,
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Liverpool player from Malaysia

I wore my Liverpool jersey yesterday, with my name Fion C and #10 printed. It was given to me by Jo. Maybe it is still uncommon for a lady wearing jersey in Malaysia, i found a lot of people looking at me in a very strange way. I don't have such experience when i wear 'normal' shirt. And one of it was quite funny...

Jo and I went back home and entered into lift. Two young malay guys standing behind us. They noticed my striking red Liverpool jersey and started their discussion (softly)...

Guy A: Fion.C? Saper tu?
Guy B: Er... tak tau...
Guy A: Nombor 10?

Well, looks like they are not into football. How can Fion C holding a #10 jersey for Liverpool? S-He can't be a real Liverpool player, s-he doesn't even know how to play football! Hahaha...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh Am Hin

我们家Jo爷又发功了!那一天他向我谈起了他和Ah B的谈话,我笑得不能停下来!

Ah B:什么歌?阿杜的《天黑》?
Ah B:?
Jo爷:这样唱的 ♫♪♫♪因为我会怕黑♫♪♫♪
Ah B:哦。。。阿杜那首是 ♫♪♫♪我闭上眼睛就是天黑♫♪♫♪
Jo爷:那不是天黑,是“Oh Am Hin”(福建话头晕的意思)。
Ah B:哈哈哈。。。




还记得那一天,我和姐妹们去马六甲参加另一位姐妹的婚礼。Jo爷就和这位男性朋友相约上云顶。下山后,两个大男生还一起逛IKEA和用餐。直落晚上,两个大男生就到The Curve的Laundry Bar看足球,过通宵才回家。除了看足球的活动以外,其他活动好像都比较适合和女朋友一同进行。仔细回想起来,在这一个暧昧的约会之前,我也常看到Jo爷和这位男性朋友玩SMS。我真是太大意了,怎么之前都没有留意呢?!?

说到这里,大家心里应该都起了鸡皮疙瘩吧?哈哈,不要误会!这一位男性朋友是Jo爷的朋友当中我蛮喜欢的一个,他是一位很不错的朋友!我们都叫他Ah B。那一天的约会我事先就知道的,并不是什么暧昧之约。去云顶是因为Ah B要送表哥夫妇上云顶玩,找Jo爷是因为下山时有个伴。去IKEA是因为无所事事,晚上就在附近看球。看足球也是他们一班朋友的志同道合的嗜好。


Friday, November 14, 2008

A magic cup for Jo

I bought a nice cup for Jo when I was in Hokkaido, his first birthday present after we got married. Japanese call it ‘Magic Cup’, but I call it ‘Hamsup Cup’. Let's look at the experiment...

This looks like a normal black japanese tea cup.

It will turn into something very different when hot water poured in...

See... black was gone and something nice came out!

All naked women in different poses... interesting! Thanks to creative Japanese!

It turned into black again after the heat is gone...

I'm not a pervert nor Jo. I bought it just because it is very cute! Ha...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008




我在想当他看到这一篇部落格时,会不会用星爷《算死草》的“Gua…. Very gua…”来回应呢?

Monday, October 06, 2008






Friday, September 19, 2008


我昨晚看了一部日本电影 —《天使》。



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Tsenguun

He was 4 years old when I sponsored him. A cute looking little boy, with bear patches on the trousers he was wearing. He drew me his country… big field, great mountains and beautiful rainbow…

A year later in 2006, I received his progress report. He drew me his living area… small working cart, a little girl, his house and shiny sun…

In 2007, he told me his favorite subject is drawing. He sent me a greeting card. I like it so much I put it in my office.

This year, he started his primary education. He got 1st grade in his study, and his favorite subject is Mongolian language. He likes watching movie and playing with his friends. He told me the highlight of last year was that he acted Superman in the New Year Party. He looks very happy!

Unlike previous years, this year he drew me a concrete building. Looking back at all his drawings, I wonder whether they reflect his surrounding well. If so, great mountains are now further from his house, trees and flowers are now lesser and no more Mongolia yurts but concrete buildings.

We are bringing them civilization, but are we taking the green nature from them? Somehow we must find a balance for both.

Thursday, September 11, 2008



走出门外深呼吸,天空弥漫爱的气息;望向天空,云朵都变成了心形!到处都是可爱的粉红色大象pinky pinku pinky pinku地走在路上。


Dang~~ dang~~~ dang~~ dang~~~

It’s wedding season! Love is everywhere!

Billions of “I do” and “I Love You” being said out everyday…
Millions of bouquet of flowers bought everyday…
And, thousands of bridemaids waiting for the moment that decides who will be the next bride…

Oh, Look at the sky! Cupid is too busy to rest! Somebody must get him assistants…

I guess giving birth season is coming……

Friday, September 05, 2008

Our great traffic police

Because of our great traffic police, I nearly got into accident on my way to work this morning!

I was coming from Jln Sultan Ismail and heading towards Wisma Genting. The traffic police was standing at the intersection between Wisma Genting and Standard Chartered. My direction was instructed to go. While I was crossing the road, I found cars also coming from the other direction!!! I was stucked in the middle of the road before I could turn into Wisma Genting's car park. Just with a few seconds late, I may be bang by someone else.

Argh~~~ sometimes I find traffic becomes worst when traffic police is around. Accidents may happen anytime and I should say I'm the lucky one because I can still reach my destination safely.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Breakfast for Jo

If I remember correctly, I only cooked ONE proper meal for Jo after married because I always depend on my mum who does all the cooking. So, I decided to prepare a nice breakfast for him on Sunday. I'm more confident in preparing breakfast than lunch or dinner. It's much easier and less headache as I don't need to think of many dishes!

These were what I bought for breakfast and obviously, I'm going to prepare western breakfast for Jo.

First, grill smoked chicken ham and cocktail sausage. To make it tastier, I added some black pepper which i bought from Kuching last time.

Second, to prepare poached egg. It's good to have egg in the morning as it will provide energy. And I think I did a very good job, haha!

Lastly, to prepare lettuce tuna salad. To make the salad taste better, I added Jo's favourite tomato!


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Money money money....

After all our hard work in searching good contractor with good price for our house renovation, Joe and me finally appointed a contractor last Sat. I think we found a good one... Renovation work is going to start in 1 or 2 weeks time, and that's the time we start 'pergi balik' our new house.

I feel relief and happy that the main portion of our house renovation is settled. But there are still a lot of other things to be finalised. Everything involves money, and that makes me headache! Well, "Buying a house is easy, but not renovating a house". I very much agree to it now!

I feel like singing a song now....
~~~ ♪♫♪♫ Money money money ♪♫♪♫~ it's so funny ♪♫♪♫~ it's the rich man world ♪♫♪♫

Friday, August 29, 2008

Junie, all the best!

After 6 yrs+ working in the same company, Junie decided to have a change. She is leaving for Beijing on 1 Sep for her 3 mths short course, later to Europe for her long journey.

I told her i respect her courage in making such decision, to take a year off to experience new life in new places. But she told me she is just following her heart. I have never had such idea before, and i think i will never have, simply because i don't have the courage to let go what i have for uncertain future. I guess my family won't be as supportive as hers too.

To Junie: As your uni-mate or colleague or friend, i wish you all the best! You
will have colourful and wonderful life awaiting you in Beijing and Europe. Meeting new faces everyday, learning new culture and experiencing different life... That will make you a better person!

Emoticons Chatting

One day in Skype, Jo was complaining that I didn’t write something about him in my blog. I told him I did, in the blog with the title "Jo cut his finger" which talked about how he cut his finger and how I ended up becoming his personal shampoo girl.

He claimed that blog wasn’t something nice… it shows his carelessness and stupidity because hardly anyone cut his own finger while opening durian. Thinking through, I agreed with him! Hahaha…

So, i promised him that i will write something about him in my blog and make sure not something that will make him 'lose face'. There he started his creative emoticons chatting:

Jo: Really? (‘think’ expression)
Fion C: Yeah dear! (‘smiley’)
Jo: Erm.. ok! I trust you! (‘big smiley’ followed by ‘smiley’)
Fion C: ... (in love)
Jo: ... (cool smiley)
Fion C: Hehehe... (giggle and blush)
Fion C: ... (dancing... time to go back)
Jo: ... (dance together... yeah! time to go back)

Monday, August 11, 2008



















著名钢琴家— 朗朗带着五岁的小钢琴家,坐在舞台中央弹奏音乐。朗朗和小钢琴家身穿白色,坐在白色的钢琴前,周围一闪一闪,一片星光灿烂!














这一次的北京奥运别出心裁,不用英文字母来排列出场的先后次序,反而以华文文字的笔画来决定出场的先后次序。这是史无前例,也应该是空前绝后的!我们马来西亚的“马”字是三画,是第十队出场的国家。在我们之前有三个国家也是由“马”字开始,分别是马尔代夫 Maldives,马尔他 Malta 和马达加斯加 Madagascar。因为马来西亚的“来”字是七画,所以排在他们的后面。这一次我国派出了27名运动员,上一届的成绩是1银1铜,希望这一次会有更好的成绩!




接下来是国际奥委会主席Jaegue Rogge和中国奥委会主席刘淇致词。















Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I will buy a MINI

I want to buy a MINI in 5 years time!!!

I think it is not too aggressive… everyone must set a target to make life more meaningful and motivative. My target was to buy myself a big MPV like Harrier, Odyssey or Stream. My family made a lot of comments on that because I’m too small for such big vehicle. I still kept that as my target until I saw a Mini Cooper S on road one day…

I surfed on web and found many interesting facts, video clips and stories about MINI. The first MINI was designed by Alec Issigonis in 1957 and prototype was ready in 1958 for the first test ride. The concept was to design and build a car that is smaller outside but bigger inside. The first MINI was launched in 1959. Something to note, to allow for a large storage bins in the doors and more elbow room, sliding windows were the standard feature in the MINI during those days. Wind-down windows were included in the MINI only in 1969!

I like the most is the concept “Smaller Outside but Bigger Inside”.

Ladies and gentlement, give me 5 years and I will show you my MINI!

Friday, August 01, 2008

北京奥运2008 | Beijing Olympic 2008



我喜欢这一句:同一个世界,同一个梦想 One world One dream


Official Website of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jo cut his finger

Jo cut his finger yesterday while opening durian. At first, he thought it was only a small cut but it wasn’t. His finger was bleeding like hell, and both of us got a shock for few seconds before knowing what to do. Finally, his finger stopped bleeding… and he was eating the durian that caused his injury!

With this cut, he cannot wash his hair. So, I am now his personal shampoo girl. Well, I think women really have to take up different role at different time. Women… can be a cook, nanny, maid, hair stylist, personnal assistant… etc. Women can be anyone, whenever and wherever!

Monday, July 14, 2008

New jersey for The Kop

The new season EPL is coming! Liverpool FC 2008 - 2009 Home jersey is now available!

This new Home jersey for The Reds is 100% polyster with ClimaCool® technology. As usual, Adidas symbolic three strips are screened on the shoulder to sleeves area, and Adidas logo is embroidered on center chest. Carlsberg logo is screened below the Adidas logo. Liverpool official crest is embroidered on left chest.

This new jersey for The Reds has added some features which cannot be found in previous season. There is mesh print panel at each side of the jersey.

Turn to the outside back of the jersey, a gold Liver Bird is embroidered on back neck area. A red and white checkerboard pattern is on the inside back of the jersey. Further to note that, this is the first time 'This is Anfield' printed on the jersey.

Jo bought me and himself this brand new Liverpool Home jersey. Unfortunately, he couldn't find me the Ladies jersey. So he bought me the Kids jersey!!! Look at the difference between his jersey (for Men) and mine (for Kids), it's very funny! But, i appreciate that!

I'll be wearing it for any Liverpool matches, and hopefully we can wear it in Anfield! Yeah~

You'll never walk alone!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today is our last day with Gtalk

Today is our last day with gtalk! So sad!!!

Look at the custom messages shown in my gtalk contact list, everybody is talking about it:
"Gtalk for the last day today, I will pretend I have not found out how to block"
"Gtalk will be blocked from today onwards. Be prepared."
"Why not block the phone? We can chat with outsider using phone as well..."
"last day....................."
And my custom message is "Today is the last day for GTALK! Let's say bye bye to GTALK!!"

Since we have gtalk commonly used in our company, I found the communication channel between departments and colleagues better. Our legal council uses gtalk to request for documents while she is having meeting, instead of interrupting the meeting to make phone calls. Working groups use gtalk to discuss work progress, instead of putting aside all work to meet up for discussion. We use gtalk to clarify doubts with colleagues, instead of making phone calls or writing emails. And, we use gtalk to get closer with colleagues who are not stationed in a same building. Gtalk eliminates communication gaps, creates us a better communication channel and harmonious working environment, improves our multi-tasking ability, promotes cost cutting and better time management! All these make us more efficient and effective in work! Oh... Gtalk, the wonder!

Nevertheless, Mr V (IT Head) said "IM will bring virus to the server. It is not good for the company. So, we have no choice but to block it."

I'm not into IT and I have little knowledge about how anti-virus system works. Please forgive me if my following thinking looks stupid: I thought it is Mr V's responsibility to improve our anti-virus system? Or, anti-virus system has already been improved but not good enough? It seems to me that anti-virus system is not improved, but IM that causes it looks bad is blocked. Emails bring virus to server, should we block? Internet brings virus to server, should we block?

It is a fact that Gtalk will not be available from tomorrow onwards. But, don't worry! We will find some other stuffs to replace it. We will find our next wonder......

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Contact lens

I chosed to wear contact lens in 2003, a week before my trip to Korea. The reason was: I didn’t want to wear my old fashion glasses in front of those handsome Korean. My glasses was really old fashion, my friend said it should belongs to Master Q (Lao Fu Zi 老夫子).

It was a wrong decision! It was winter and I couldn’t get use of wearing contact lens. My eyes became very dry in winter, and it got worst with contact lens. I ended up wearing my old fashion glasses instead. I gave up wearing contact lens after my Korea trip.

The next time I decided to wear contact lens was in 2007. The reason was: I saw a pair of sun glasses I liked very much, but it didn’t come with power. My sister bought me the sun glasses for my birthday, and I bought myself 6 pairs of contact lens for ‘practise’.

There was once I dropped my left-eye contact lens while walking towards a restaurant. Another time, I dropped my right-eye contact lens while drinking guava juice, and the lens fall into my guava juice. Sometimes, I forgot to take out my contact lens before sleep. I was so surprise because my vision was so clear when I woke up. Later only I realised that I was wearing it to bed. Last night, I found my right-eye contact lens crack when I took it out. Till today, I’ve either dropped or cracked 3 left-eye contact lens with 1.75 power, and 6 right-eye contact lens with 1.50 power. And I foresee it will be more in the future...

Still, I will wear contact lens... ;p

Monday, July 07, 2008

All of us look the same today

My company just implemented uniform system which requires all of us wearing uniform to work. Our uniform is mainly blue, dark blue at the shoulder area and lighter blue for the remaining area. Company logo is printed on left chest area, and name of our power plant is printed below the logo.

Today was the first day everybody wearing uniform to work. Some said we look like police, some said we look like the personnel at KTM ticket counter, some said we look like cadet. I think we look like factory worker. Anyway, uniform is a style of dress to be worn by everybody in a company. Uniform system is implemented to create spirit, sense of belongings and motivate everybody in a company. It doesn't matter what we look like, but how we look, and should ALL look the same! That is the purpose of having uniform, to unify all of us, at least from the appearance.

Frankly speaking, disregard of the material and quality, i think our uniform looks ok! But, for a change, I will suggest our uniform to be mainly white next year. I will suggest blue for shoulder area and white for remaining area. That time, maybe we all look like a navy...

Friday, July 04, 2008

The Number 10

Number 10 was given by my husband, Jo, who is a die hard Liverpool fan. I'm not into football, I could not understand why not Number 1 but Number 10.

In our wedding website he wrote:
Everybody who is into football knows that player who wears jersey No.10 is among the most influential player in the team if not the most. I’m going to hand her the No.10 jersey because from now on she is the most influential person in my life.

This was when I became his Number 10, the most influential woman in his life.

I wonder what a woman can do to become influential to her man. Some people told me that it is some kind of natural power in the hand of a woman that makes the statement valid. If the so-called natural power is really existing, I believe it will not last forever. A good woman should know how to turn it into respects and trusts. It is an art!

It is now 1 month and 4 days since our wedding. Let's see what will happen in 1 year time...

Friday, April 25, 2008

My Home

I just bought a house.

From that very minute I signed the S&P... it fills up my mind. I'm thinking of the renovation, designs, furnitures, lighting, my dream wardrobe, the living hall, the dining area, the kitchen... I have all sorts of thinking and different designs in my mind.

I want something simple yet class, comfortable and elegant. I know what I want, the problem is I don't know how to say! I remembered when I was small, I used to say "if I have a house, I will... and if I have money to renovate the house, I will..." It's actually not that easy! And of course, everything comes to money!

There is a radio advertisement recently. It says "... An agent always bring a big bunch of house keys with him, selling happiness..." I don't think buying house is buying happiness. A house is just a house, four walls with roof, a shelter. It will bring happiness only when it becomes a "Home".

Think around, I just need some simple renovation and designs, some basic and comfortable furnitures... with my family, my loved one... it is already a home, and that's my happiness!

My home, my happiness...