It has been a year since I last posted a post... I was suffering from post natal depression at that time. Of course, I didn't take a year to walk out from the dark. But things have changed and dragged me away from the interest of creating any posts. Or there were moments that I would like to pick it up again, but I was too lazy...
I was housekeeping all the photos in my laptop and iphone this morning. I see how my kids grow up in their very own way and how me and Jo grow old. I see Jayden from a new born skinny old man looking baby to a chubby cute little 1yo boy, and to a 4yo charming cheerful boy today. I see Tze Ee from a new born frown looking baby to a cheeky cute little 6mo girl, and to a 14mo pretty happy girl. I see Jo from a young looking man to a father-of-two, still looking fit yet more matured. I see myself from a young fresh uni graduates to a married young lady, and to a mother-of-two. Time flies... and I suddenly realised how much I would have missed in my life if I don't record it somehow somewhere.
And here is where I'm going to start again...