Tuesday, October 09, 2012

18 September 2012 (Part 2)

Around 2:30am, on the way to hospital...

My mind was still running. I was focusing on the interval between one contraction and another... I was praying in my heart that everything will be fine and smooth... and was repeating the same quote that my yoga instructor says at the end of every session "It is my divine right to have a beautiful pregnancy and peaceful delivery".

Around 3:00am, in the labour room... 

Everything in the labour room were familiar yet strange to me. My contractions were still 10 minutes apart. An old mid-wife came in, inserted her fingers into my vagina and announced I was 3cm dilated, another 7cm more to go. Cool... if my pelvic opens in the pace of 1cm per hour, I have to wait until 10:00am!!!

Around 6:00am, still in the labour room...

My contractions were about 8 minutes apart, and I was 5cm dilated. The pain was already unbearable but I refused to any epidural. I only relied on entonox (or they called it "the laughing gas") and an pain killing injection into the muscle of my buttock. Still the pain was there... argh!!!

Around 7:00am, still in the labour room... in a mess...

My first layer water bag burst, everything below me was in a mess now. Contractions were more frequent, 5 minutes apart or even shorter? I was not sure anymore... I only knew it came more frequently and last longer each time. I was 8cm dilated. I saw everyone was getting ready to welcome the baby, so was I. I kept saying to her "Come on baby, let's do a quick one and you will see daddy mummy very soon..."

I was asked to turn side way so that my baby girl could go further down to the canal. I was also asked to "push" only when contractions came. And everything happened thereafter was fast forward, pushing, resting, pain... but surprisingly I didn't even scream once even when tears were running in my eyes.

Around 8:00am, finally...

With episiotomy by the the doctor and a final push, my baby girl was out... I could hear her loud cry. I was crying too. She was on my chest and I could feel her breathing, it was so amazing! This little baby has been with me for 39 weeks and she was then resting on my chest, looking at me!!!

I felt happy that Jo was with me all the time even he mentioned he couldn't bear to see the delivery process long before I deliver. He was holding my hand and kissing my forehead, supporting me and leading me through the entire process.

Today, I have no regrets in insisting a natural birth that is good for the baby and proud that I made it this time!! I feel grateful for all the supports that Jo has given me, and helping hands from my mum and sister. I would also like to say thank you to my little boy, who loves me and his newborn sister so much. 

Thursday, October 04, 2012

18 September 2012 (Part 1)

A day that I will never forget, I marked it "Unforgettable" in my calendar and will celebrate it annually with joy and great memories. My baby girl was borne this day...

My EDD should be 24 September. Jo and I were hoping of no early delivery because we are expecting a Libra instead of Virgo. But my instinct told me she will be out any time soon because I can feel the contractions became more and more frequent. I was still working as usual, walking across the street to Pavilion for lunch with my colleagues, doing some last minute shopping for the house and hubby... Of course, I need to walk slower when the contraction came and back to normal when it released.

On 17 September, I took a longer shower than usual. I packed stuffs that I need to bring to hospital. I finished all house chores and items that were listed as Outstanding Task in my handphone. Somehow I could feel and know it, she is coming out... That night, I told Jo that I may deliver earlier and informed my mum to get ready to come over if I need to go hospital. 

When light was off and my two boys were sound asleep, I was thinking if there are anything I should have done before I deliver. My mind was running, and I was counting the interval between one contraction and another... 30 minutes... 20 minutes... 15 minutes... 

I got up from bed, took out the bag I packed earlier and changed myself. When the interval became as frequent as every 10 minutes, I woke Jo up...

"Dear, we need to go hospital now. I think I'm going to deliver..."
"Huh? Now?"

Again, Jo was as blur as the first time when I said the same thing to him 3 years ago. But this time was less drama... no shouting from toilet and no bleeding, haha!

Before we left the house, I got Jo to take a photo of myself...
39 weeks pregnant look