Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Jo Junior is two today!

Happy Birthday To You...
Happy Birthday To You...
Happy Birthday To Jayden...
Happy Birthday To You...

Time flies... my Jo Junior is now a 2-year old boy!

I would say he is more mature compare to others at his age. And sometimes I nearly forget he is only a 2-year old boy. We can have a fluent telephone conversation when Jo / I call back from work. We can have a nice good-night chatting session before sleep. He would tell me what happened during the day and what he likes / dislikes, just like any big boy.

Since Jo starts travelling, Jo Junior starts taking care of simple bed time routine. For example, he remembers to turn on the air filter, turn on alarm every night and switch off room lights before sleeps. When I am bathing, he will quietly sitting on his bed reading books / listening to nursery rhymes. He will sometimes walk in and check if I am done then walk out again. He will also bring me water and ask me to drink together with him before sleeps.

I really enjoy my current motherhood life. Everything becomes very easy nowadays...

Jayden, you are my most precious gift! I love you...